Name Daruma

Name Daruma

Name Daruma

Name Daruma

For corporate and retail use

For corporate and retail use

You can write your company name or store name on your stomach.

By omitting unnecessary characters, the company name can be written in large letters.

All letters in the name are handwritten.
Depending on the number of letters, the craftsman may decide to divide the text into two lines.

You can also choose one four-letter word next to your face for 17cm-23cm [and two or more for 26cm and above].
「商売繁昌(Pray for good business)」「家内安全(Peace to the household )」「交通安全(Traffic safety)」「健康祈願(Pray for good health)」「千客万来(A lot of customers coming)」「社運隆盛(Prosperity of a company)」「大願成就(Realisation of a great ambition)」「夫婦円満(Matrimonial happiness)」「目標達成(Goal achievement)」「合格祈願(Prayer for school success)」「七難即滅(May it be free from misfortune.)」「萬事如意(Everything goes well)」「開運招福(Better fortune Good Luck)」Other four-character phrases

Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions about adding text to the back of a Daruma doll, putting a name on a special Daruma doll, or anything else. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.
For home use

For home use

You can write your last name or first name on your stomach.
All the letters in the name are handwritten.

You can also choose one four-letter word next to your face for 17cm-23cm [and two or more for 26cm and above].
「商売繁昌(Pray for good business)」「家内安全(Peace to the household )」「交通安全(Traffic safety)」「健康祈願(Pray for good health)」「千客万来(A lot of customers coming)」「社運隆盛(Prosperity of a company)」「大願成就(Realisation of a great ambition)」「夫婦円満(Matrimonial happiness)」「目標達成(Goal achievement)」「合格祈願(Prayer for school success)」「七難即滅(May it be free from misfortune.)」「萬事如意(Everything goes well)」「開運招福(Better fortune Good Luck)」Other four-character phrases

Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions about adding text to the back of a Daruma doll, putting a name on a special Daruma doll, or anything else.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us."